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沒有菜單的日本歺館 A Japanese restaurant where menu is not needed (ShinBay)

Writer's picture: Nextweekly壹週報Nextweekly壹週報


也許很多人還沒有聴過,去歺館吃飯不需要菜單的。其實在美國的許多大城市如紐約和三藩市,都已開設了這種沒有菜單但很高檔的日本歺館。所謂沒有菜單,就是吃什麼不用你自己費心,歺館大廚早已配合時令,為你安排妥當了。最近在鳳凰城Scottsdale down town的一間名為ShinBay的日本壽司店, 終於看見第一間同類日本歺館開業了。而對我這麽饞咀的人來說,又那有不第一時間去光顧的道理。不過想吃好東西嘛,準備功夫是免不了的。因為為了保証食物的新鮮度,想去嚐鮮,要提早2天前上網或打電話預訂,理由是歺館確定顧客人數才訂貨,不屯貨自然食物新鮮。

這晚我們嚐到的,有許多說得出名的,和說不出名字的魚,有蠔,象拔蚌,八瓜魚,鮮蝦和許多精緻可口的海草海帶。因為忙着享受美食,居然忘了數算一共吃了多少道菜,印象中應該共有超過十多道菜。大部份的作料都是來自日本,也有來自西班牙,加拿大,和西雅圖…… 總的來說,新鮮空運的食物當然都很可口,尤其是他們提供的鮮蝦,生蠔,秋刀魚,三文魚和八爪魚都是我吃過日本 剌身中最鮮最美味的。(馮小茹)

While this may be unheard of to a lot of people, but you really don’t need a menu to dine in a restaurant. In fact, many large cities in the United States, such as New York and San Francisco, have opened such high-end Japanese restaurants without menus. So, what does that mean? It means that you don't have to worry about picking what you want to eat at all. The chef at the restaurant has already arranged it for you in accordance with the season and what’s available. Recently, a Japanese sushi restaurant named ShinBay, the first Japanese restaurant of its kind opened in Downtown Scottsdale, greater Phoenix. For someone who is as taste bud hungry as me, there is no reason why I shouldn't be first in line. But to find out, if you want good food, patience is a virtue. In order to ensure the freshness of the food, you have to go online or call to order two days in advance, that way the restaurant can determine the number of customers before ordering their ingredients where everything can be as fresh as possible.

Tonight, we tasted lots of fresh fishes (many of them that we knew, while others escaped our minds), oysters, geoduck, octopus, fresh shrimp and many delicate and delicious kelp. Since I was so busy trying to enjoy all the food, I actually forgot to count how many dishes were there all together. I think there were more than 10 dishes total but don’t quote me on that. Most of the ingredients were from Japan, but there are also ingredients from Spain, Canada, and Seattle...

Fresh food delivered by air is obviously very delicious, especially their shrimp, oysters, saury, salmon and octopus are among the are the freshest and most delicious Japanese Sashimi that I have ever eaten. (End)

Phone: 480-361-1021

SHINBAY offers two seating's each evening, at 5:45 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Due to our limited capacity, we require a credit card number to guarantee reservations.

You can make a reservation by calling  480 .361 .1021 or on-line reservation.

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