
鄭文良Daniel Tee牙醫博士不僅是一位出色的牙醫,而且為人非常和藹和親,並且能夠減輕了許多去看牙醫的病人的恐懼。診所環境乾淨整潔,器材先進,診所人員對病人親切,服務周到,技術好,價格實惠,醫生還精通國、粵、閩南語。
本診所專業從事普通牙科,有拔牙、補牙、根管治療、牙冠、植牙、活動假牙等項目。 他們提供的美容牙科服務包括牙齒增白,瓷貼面,Zoom增白,牙齒增白家用套件等。
McClintock Family Dental is a dental clinic in Tempe, Arizona, with service areas including Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, Scottsdale, Gilbert, Chandler, Ahwatukee, and Queen Creek. McClintock Family Dental specializes in general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, cleaning and prevention, endodontic dentistry, implant dentistry, oral-maxillofacial surgery, and sleep apnea. Their general dentistry services include white fillings, dental crowns and bridges, dental implant, restorations, and dental bonding. The cosmetic dentistry services they offer include teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, smile makeover, porcelain and composite inlays, Zoom whitening, teeth whitening home kits, and lumineers. Their staff dentist, Dr. Daniel Tee, DDS, MS earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the New York University and is a Certified Provider of Invisalign.
預約電話:(480) 820-6131
